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DoorKing 8057-084 - 500 Memory MicroCLIK RF Receiver

Item No. 8057-084
Model 8057: Stand-alone receiver can support up to 16,000 transmitters and has a built-in keypad to easily add or delete transmitter codes. HOMELINK® COMPATIBLE Keychain transmitter provides remote operation of garage doors or vehicular access gates• Over 1,000,000 transmitter codes available


Model 8057: Stand-alone receiver can support up to 16,000 transmitters and has a built-in keypad to easily add or delete transmitter codes.
  • Keychain transmitter provides remote operation of garage doors or vehicular access gates• Over 1,000,000 transmitter codes available
  • PROXmitter® includes a built-in proximity card reader providing both RF and card access control into a single compact unit
  • MicroCLIK RF controls may be used as a stand-alone access 
  • control system or can be interfaced with 26, 30 or 31-bit Weigand controllers
  • 2-year limited factory warrant


Vendor Item No.

DoorKing 8057-084 - 500 Memory MicroCLIK RF Receiver

Item No. 8057-084
Model 8057: Stand-alone receiver can support up to 16,000 transmitters and has a built-in keypad to easily add or delete transmitter codes. HOMELINK® COMPATIBLE Keychain transmitter provides remote operation of garage doors or vehicular access gates• Over 1,000,000 transmitter codes available


Model 8057: Stand-alone receiver can support up to 16,000 transmitters and has a built-in keypad to easily add or delete transmitter codes.
  • Keychain transmitter provides remote operation of garage doors or vehicular access gates• Over 1,000,000 transmitter codes available
  • PROXmitter® includes a built-in proximity card reader providing both RF and card access control into a single compact unit
  • MicroCLIK RF controls may be used as a stand-alone access 
  • control system or can be interfaced with 26, 30 or 31-bit Weigand controllers
  • 2-year limited factory warrant


Vendor Item No.

About Southwest Automated

Established over 30 years ago in Dallas, TX, Southwest Automated Security, Inc. has a history of maintaining excellent relationships with vendors and dealers alike. From exceptional levels of product knowledge and customer service- to partnering with leading manufacturers of wholesale electronic security, we are firmly committed to developing all-inclusive security solutions that aid dealers in achieving their project goals.

© Copyright 2023 Southwest Automated Security, Inc. All rights reserved. 

About Southwest Automated Security

Established over 30 years ago in Dallas, TX, Southwest Automated Security, Inc. has a history of maintaining excellent relationships with vendors and dealers alike. From exceptional levels of product knowledge and customer service- to partnering with leading manufacturers of wholesale electronic security, we are firmly committed to developing all-inclusive security solutions that aid dealers in achieving their project goals
© Copyright 2023 Southwest Automated Security, Inc. All rights reserved.Â